I am only human




A lot of the time I’ve been told that I am too “girly” and I do “girly” things, I’ve been told that I have a bitch resting face until I open my mouth. How’s that for a backhanded compliment? I was really shocked to recognize just how mean people could be and at how they could have an opinion about someone that they hardly even know.


Do people really step back and ask themselves “do I really know this person?” before having a defining thought about them? It bothers me that we expect so much from people based on how they look or how they present themselves. I hate that most people would expect you to do certain things based on how you look, or would get shocked by the kind of activities you partake in because they don’t match your looks or appearance.

Judgment of others is an extension of self-judgement. I fully understand that we all have judgement and it is a part of us that we all have and isn’t going anywhere. What I don’t understand is why are we judged for something that people are morally opposed to or disgusted by? Or why are we judged based on our appearances and the stuff that we do. A good example of this, is expecting a good looking girl to not drink beer but wine instead, because beer is for men and it makes her look unattractive.

It is not okay to form judgments on other people based on appearance because we are not always the people they think us or want us to be. Stereotyping has also allowed people to form judgments. Glasses for example. Just because someone wears glasses it doesn’t mean that they’re a genius. How does having poor eyesight make you smart? It doesn’t make you stupid either, but you definitely don’t need to be clever to need glasses. Or having braces. Just because I would like nice teeth I’m automatically a nerd? Dumb blonde jokes? I have no idea how having blonde hair makes you dumb.

In conclusion, I’d like to end this by saying that someone’s external appearance is not a reflection of their inner self or their actions and activities they partake in. it is never accurate to form judgments based on personal traits. It is very important to get to know someone before you make judgments, that way, you’ll understand why they do the things they do and they’ll never have to explain themselves to you.